


导读:留学生中“赶due”的意思是:赶时间,赶在期限之前完成某事。due:adj 由于;因为;预定;预期;预计;到期n应有的权利;应得到的东西;应缴款(如俱乐部会费)adv正向;正对着due在做形容词时有“预定;预期;预计;到期”的意思,所以“赶



adj 由于;因为;预定;预期;预计;到期






中国大陆,学生把前往香港、澳门等地区的学习也称为留学,这是由于这些地区有着不同的教育制度。美国等国家组织的一类海外短期的交换学生计划,其英文名字“Study abroad”直译也为留学。







 正如Yan和Berliner(2009)在“中国国际学生在美国的学术压力因素”(Chinese International students’ academic stressors in the United States)一文中所提到的, 中国学生不仅是美国校园中更大的外国学生群体之一,而且也是在适应美国的教育体系中遭遇更大挑战的群体。 而其中,阻碍中国学生成功的最主要的三个要素就是:动力、语言和对文化的适应。




 根据Griner和Sobol(2014)撰写的“中国学生出国留学动机”一文(Chinese Students’ Motivations for Studying Abroad),中国学生的动机可以分为五类,包括个人动机,逆向动机,父母影响力,全球化说服力和外在因素。

 个人动机(personaldynamic) 一般包括出国的个人愿望,包括出于对教育、职业道路和社会地位的考虑。 逆向动机(reversemotivation) 则是与中国学生在海外留学时间长短背后的原因有关。 父母影响力(parentalinfluence) 是关于父母的愿望、以及国际经验和人口统计对学生决定的影响。 全球化说服力(globalizationpersuasion) 认为世界的全球化影响学生的兴趣,包括中国对西方敞开市场而对中国学生在意识形态等方面的影响。最后, 外部因素(outlyingfactors) 包含学生动机的个人主观原因,包括关系地位,以及出国留学机会的了解程度等等。

 离开父母,离开朋友,离开自己熟悉的城市,这些都可能让中国留学生感到孤独。 在国内时,很多学生就像生活在温室里,所以当他们从中国离开到美国时,他们急需重新调整自己。由于中国与美国之间的巨大差异,他们中的一些人可能会酗酒、吸毒,感到迷茫,特别是那些出生于富裕的家庭的学生。

 积极参与各种组织,结交更多朋友,或者是让自己沉浸在研究之中,不失为一种让留学生活丰富多彩和充实的好办法。动机存在很多方面,这对中国学生的学习影响很大。 保持丰富的兴趣和精力对于中国学生在美国大学获得更好的发展非常重要。


 由于中文和英语的语言背景与语言逻辑完全不同,许多中国留学生因此而感到非常挫败,甚至失去信心。中国留学生最常遇到的困难莫过于在口语沟通上的问题,这样的麻烦让许多原本话就不多的中国学生变得更加的沉默。“尽管中国孩子小学时开始学习英语,但中国的英语教学方式强调的是书面形式而不是口头形式。英语主要通过传统的语法翻译 *** 来教授。”(Guofang Wan, 2001)。尽管所有中国学生在去美国读大学之前都必须参加托福考试或参加外语课程,但怎么也不可能比得过英语母语的人。

 写论文和学术文件是中国学生面临的另一个难题。 “除了听力和口语方面的问题,学术论文也对那些专业是人文和社会科学的学生提出了挑战”(Yan&Berliner,2009)。社会科学学生在长篇论文中有许多陌生的词汇,他们必须阅读大量的书本和资源,这需要他们花费很长时间。不仅人文社会科学专业的学生有很多长篇论文要写,那些主修工程和自然科学的学生也必须用学术语言来描述他们的想法和实验。这对英文不佳的中国学生提出了不小的挑战。



 因为中国历史悠久,千百年来存在于中华各民族心中的文化多元化,学生需要更多时间适应环境、适应文化。中国学生的学习理念完全不同。研究表明,中国学生在学习中获得成就的积极性非常高。在中国传统文化中,学术优秀,教育和勤奋的好处深深植根于每个学生的心里。 “儒家哲学的就业前景很重要,作为建构品格的手段更为重要。受这种理念的影响,中国人的家庭观念和社会化经验强调了教育成功的必要性。”(Yan&Berliner,2009)这种理念让中国学生承受的压力太大,因为在美国高等教育系统内,一名外国学生并不是那么容易成功的。 Zhang和Carrasquillo(1992)在论文中介绍了绩效和向上流动的要求和期望,对尊重父母的牺牲和义务,尊重教育和社会与其他中国家庭在特定教育成果方面的比较的罪恶感都是中国家庭的典型价值观。

 另一方面,由于文化差异,许多中国留学生不愿意向学校的顾问或者教授寻求帮助。“当被问到中国学生不愿向他们的顾问提出问题的原因时,大多数受访者将这一特点归因于中国文化。在中国,那些表达最少问题的员工更受重视。他们被认为更聪明,更勤劳。中国学生愿意表现出自己的努力和奉献精神,但这对他们的老师而言却是完全相反的作用。"(Yan&Berliner,2009) 努力工作和学习是大部分中国学生愿意做的,然而在美国的大学中,不仅强调个人的研究,还强调团队合作。这是很多中国学生所欠缺的。

 “中美之间的文化和教育差距,加上中国学生的语言缺陷,导致他们难以与美国教师进行有效的沟通。”(Yan&Berliner,2009)而作为中国留学生,想在美国的大学中获得成功,就必须面对且克服许多困难。 如果能够保持内在动机,克服语言障碍,将中国传统文化观念转化为美国思想,中国留学生也一样将在美国大学中拥有丰富多彩的生活。



1,homestay: living with a local family, mostly price per week include the dining

2,house: a large house with only one floor, always has 4-6 rooms It has its own front garden and backyard

3,flat: a unit in a 3-5 building, just like the unit in chinaPrice maybe a little higher than house, but usually, 2-3 rooms in one unitBut due to the high price of rent whole unit by the lanlord, dining room always rented too

4, townhouse: expensive, and fewer students live there2-3 floors

5, apartment: higher price but more comfortable, more or less the same as the unit flat, maybe higher

6, dorm in college: highest maybe, but also depends on the school Different types avaible for 2,4,6 people

That's it


First of all, the cost of studying abroad is expensive


Specifically, these people have to spend a lot of money on tuition and living expenses, which not everyone can afford


In addition, for those students who lack the ability to live independently, studying abroad is a great challenge


If they can't take good care of themselves, their academic achievements will be affected to a great extent


Last but not least, studying abroad may have a negative impact on students' psychology


How many hours of lecture do you have every week

How many tests do you have every month

How many terms do you have in one year

Do you have summer vocation or vinter vocation If so, how long

Do you like chinese food Can you get Chinese food around compus

Do you have Chinese lecture in your school

How many people share one room in dorm?


Why More and More People Choose to Study Abroad

In recent years, an increasing number of people choose to study abroad There are several reasons for this trend

Firstly, studying abroad is a good way to improve one's language skills English is widely used around the world, and studying in an English-speaking country can provide students with a better environment to practice the language and improve their proficiency

Secondly, studying abroad can offer better education resources Many countries have high-quality universities and educational systems, and studying in such countries can provide students with access to a wider range of academic resources and opportunities

Thirdly, studying abroad can broaden one's horizons By living in a different country, students can experience different cultures, customs, and ways of thinking, and gain a better understanding of the world This can help them to adapt to a globalized society and become more open-minded

Lastly, studying abroad can enhance one's career prospects A degree from a prestigious foreign university can be a valuable asset in the job market, and studying in another country can provide students with international exposure, networking opportunities, and a chance to develop new skills

In conclusion, there are many reasons why more and more people choose to study abroad Whether it is to improve language skills, access better education resources, broaden horizons, or enhance career prospects, studying abroad can be a life-changing experience that opens up new opportunities and perspectives











Dear Sir:

The reason why I want to go Singapore is I like to learn some different culture and I can meet a lot people from all around the world, that way I can make more friends I like the weather in Singapore also I will go back to china, the reason is very simple, because I am a Chinese I will never forgot my country Be honestly, I will pick Tsinghua University, because to go to Tsinghua University is one of the biggest dreams in my life and Tsinghua University is the best University in my country

If I like literature, I probably will like edies more, beacuse I am an optimi and I want to make reader happy when they ready my essay I want to be success in every single class in the university, when I graduate me want to be a business administration

I like to read the novel in my spare time

My goal is to graduate as soon as possible, and find a good job, a hu and and make allot money I do have idol in my mind, she is my mother, she is very great woman and she will do every thing for me

I think high school entrance examination is very easy, but I know I still have allot think should learn


Dear Sir:

The reason why I want to go Singapore is I like to learn some different culture and I can meet a lot people from all around the world, that way I can make more friends I like the weather in Singapore also I will go back to china, the reason is very simple, because I am a Chinese I will never forgot my country Be honestly, I will pick Tsinghua University, because to go to Tsinghua University is one of the biggest dreams in my life and Tsinghua University is the best University in my country

If I like literature, I probably will like edies more, beacuse I am an optimi and I want to make reader happy when they ready my essay I want to be success in every single class in the university, when I graduate me want to be a business administration

I like to read the novel in my spare time

My goal is to graduate as soon as possible, and find a good job, a hu and and make allot money I do have idol in my mind, she is my mother, she is very great woman and she will do every thing for me

I think high school entrance examination is very easy, but I know I still have allot think should learn


I was born in a harmonic and cozy family My parents both work in a Furniture pany The cost of studying and living in Korea will be offered by my parents They both have stable ine They are also in support of my exchange to Korea I really thank them a lot They taught me how to be a good person when I was young They help me develop good habits and healthy, optimistic personalities

I had several outstanding achievements since childhood Additionally, with an outgoing personality, I am able to make friends easily Now,I am the Minister of Research Department in College Students' Union

As a student in Touri Management, I know that munications between China and Korea have developed quickly since the two countries established a diplomatic relationship in 1992 Especially in recent years, China and Korea 's

cultural and economic exchanges are on an unprecedented growth So I have the idea of being an exchange student to Korea Moreover, the first-class faculties and teaching of Hanyang University really attract me

《Reasons for studying abroad》


First of all, studying abroad can get in touch with more foreign advanced technology and education forms, and can get better development on the basis of the original study


 Learn and understand foreign advanced knowledge, culture, technology and management experience, so as to recognize their own values and world outlook


Secondly, you will face different cultures and races Therefore, you will come into contact with new cultures and customs, and form a new life style suitable for you and ideas you can identify with


Moreover, studying abroad can improve children's independent ability, exercise their independence in life, improve their ability to solve problems, and cultivate their independent personality This will help them adapt to the society in the future


In a good language environment, children can be integrated into the language environment to help them learn the language better So as to practice a *** ooth foreign language, have a skill, benefit for life


At the same time, foreign universities pay great attention to let students have the opportunity to contact the society, to help students get more experience in employment and better development in the future












一旦遭遇危险,一要沉着冷静,二要及时寻求援助。平时应了解学校的紧急联系 *** 和联系人、居住地附近的报警 *** 号码、当地中国使领馆的 *** 号码等,遇到危险,要及时取得联系,寻求帮助。